Rabbi Sirbu was honored to give the Benediction to the NJ State Senate on Jan 9th, 2018. She blessed the gathering with words of wisdom to encourage their dedication as civic leaders. Here is her prayer:
Dear God,
In this week’s Torah Portion we will read in synagogue about the 10 Plagues, and how Pharaoh’s heart was hardened against the suffering of both the Israelite’s and his own people.
May this esteemed group of lawmakers learn from Pharaoh’s mistakes. I beseech you not to harden their hearts as you did Pharaoh’s.
Open their hearts to hear to the real struggles their constituents face.
Open their hearts to listen to a variety of different voices, from all end of the political spectrum.
Open their hearts to wisdom, to find solutions to the myriad problems faced by this great state of NJ.
Open their hearts to truth, avoiding corruption and deceit.
Open their hearts to find the financial means to help those less fortunate.
Open their hearts to rebuild the infrastructure necessary for this state to thrive.
Open their hearts to envision new industry and technology rooted here in NJ.
Open their hearts to providing a first-rate education to every child in this state.
Open their hearts to dealing with crises as they occur in a calm, well thought out manner.
Open their hearts to care for each man, woman, and child that they have been elected to represent.
God, the lives of the people in this great chamber, and those whom they represent are in your hands. Please guide them to act to the best of their abilities. Help them flourish, so that the state of New Jersey and the United States of American can prosper and live in peace.
Please be with them God. Please open their hearts. Amen.