Our Vision
We dream of a world where Jewish wisdom is a public good that is accessible to all.
Our Values

Embracing optimism and opportunity
No matter what the future brings, we believe it offers opportunities. From the obviously positive times to the darker moments, Clal views change itself as a chance to help people to grow and the world to flourish.
This means embracing questions and doubt (alongside answers and faith) to create and uncover the solutions we seek.
In other words, Clal embraces a conscious optimism born from thousands of years of Jewish experience and wisdom. Whether it’s developing new ideas, working with new technologies, or embracing new social movements, we are committed to being an active part of the evolution of humanity.

Privileging people over ideology
In the worldview of Clal, there is no ideology that can possibly be more valuable than even one person. We view ideologies as being in service to people, each of whom possesses infinite value, dignity, and equality. Thus, it is the people who take priority, and if there is a conflict between the two, we will always choose the welfare of people over the promotion of an ideology.
This value extends into further ones, which include seeing that being loving, just, and compassionate is not just more important than being right, it is what’s right. It is an end unto itself, and one we extend into all we do.

Championing pluralism and partial truth
To believe in the value of pluralism is not to discount the need for disagreement and even conflict. Just the opposite. Clal’s call to action is this: it is only through listening and connecting to others that we will be able to make disagreements and conflicts productive.
It is through this deep pluralism that we believe people and communities can access the partial truth of those who view the world differently than them while still retaining and strengthening their own identities and beliefs.

Building public good and communal wellbeing
We embrace questions, doubts, and change, not as steps to destroy what previously existed but to build upon it and realize what is yet undreamed.
We further believe that Jewish wisdom is not a limited good, but one meant for all people who may benefit from it. Many of the questions and doubts people hold often emerge from unmet needs: needs which can be addressed by Jewish wisdom. Jewish wisdom becomes a greater public good by embracing people, their questions, and those unmet needs.
By caring deeply about people and our relationships and investing thoughtfully in communities both old and new, we are innovating what has yet to be.
Our Impact
Fiscal Sponsorships
Passionate team members
Organizations affected
People reached