Our Team
The team subtitle.
Isabel de Koninck
Rabbi Isabel de Koninck has served as the Executive Director and Campus Rabbi for Hillel at Drexel University since 2010. A native of Montclair, New Jersey, she is a 2004 graduate of Brandeis University, and received rabbinic ordination from the Reconstructionist Rabbinical College in 2010 where she additionally completed a graduate certificate in Jewish Gender and Women’s Studies in partnership with Temple University.
Barry Dov Katz
Rabbi Barry Dov Katz is the rabbi of the Conservative Synagogue Adath Israel of Riverdale. Before coming to the Bronx, he served for seven years as the spiritual leader of Congregation Eitz Chaim, in Monroe, NY and as student rabbi at Neve Hanna, a home for youngsters from dysfunctional families in Kiryat Gat, Israel.
Alana Suskin
Alana Suskin is an educator, activist, and widely-published writer. She is currently studying in the advanced kollel executive ordination program at Yeshivat Maharat, a feminist, Orthodox, rabbinical ordination program. She holds BAs in Philosophy and Russian Linguistics, an MA in Philosophy and a graduate certificate in Women’s Studies, a master’s of rabbinic studies and ordination from the Ziegler School of Rabbinic Studies in California, and is a popular speaker and teacher around the country.