Rabbi Jordie Gerson, rabbi of Greenwich Reform Synagogue, was ordained as a rabbi at Hebrew Union College in New York City; she also holds a Masters in Theological Studies from Harvard Divinity School and a Bachelor of Arts from Bates College. Rabbi Gerson has served as a Hillel rabbi at Yale and NYU and as a rabbi at synagogues in San Diego and Montreal. An avid writer and speaker, her work is regularly featured in The Forward, the Harvard Divinity Bulletin, MyJewishLearning.com, The Huffington Post, and Buzzfeed.
She has also been a featured speaker at Harvard Divinity School, Yale Law School, Aspen Jewish Congregation, and on CNN. Rabbi Gerson also serves as a member of the Women’s Rabbinic Network Writer’s Circle and teaches seminars for women clergy on how to get published, write op-eds, and use their voices. She has done numerous trips with the American Jewish World Service and spends time each year as a student at the Shalom Hartman Institute in Jerusalem. Favorite activities include skiing, surfing, running, rock-climbing, travel, meditation, yoga, and cooking.